Craft-PvP (x50)
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Cols \ Adena solo

How to make cols\adena solo

1. Exp some Titan 77 (with subclasses) make weapon 300 Att (holy) set Drac (each part 60 att dark resist). Create characters 1 lvl and put them on near each **** boss 68+ lvl like camera .always check come farm it. U will collect from drop EAS EWS BEAS BEWS BEAA and trade it.

2. Farm mos HGFA

3. Always check giran traders buy \ sell Fa HGFA TPFA

4. Manor. 1 day spent time to make all seeds after each day sell manor to castles and get resources and trade them in giran.

5. Exp spoiler and go spoil for example location near **** boss Ember there is good chance for EWS EAS.

6. Make HB quest and farm Green spot ( more easy then chimeras bcs all mobs hit 1 att and its dark , make set from dark)craft dyno and sell it.

7. Farm new farm zone (adena \ crystals)

8. If u can log dual boxes farm rift in IT (every hour 1 boss)

9. If u can log dual boxes farm kamaloka (from rune 1 time per day)

if u know better option to farm cols \adena solo share it with all here