Top RB Hunters of January
News of the project
Time of Chaos
After disappearing of Tribunal situation on lands of Tox become a bit chaotic. No one knows what will be. Probably Oblivion will try control everything but do they have enough power? Also with who they should fight? … all existing clans was helping them last months. I think soon we will see if they are able to take wards from 4elements clan, probably 4elements wouldn’t defend it because of friendship with Oblivion or not being in possibility to fight such huge army like Oblivion have. Probably its time for new clans to show their interests on server. For today we have such picture…
Gludio Castle------------------------MeetYourMakers2
Dion Castle------------------------------Oblivion
Giran Castle-----------------------------DesPlieGe
Oren Castle -----------------------------Tutanka
Aden Castle-----------------------------Phoen1x
Innadril Castle-----------------------TheKingOfFighter
Goddard Castle-----------------------Brothers1nArms
Rune Castle----------------------------FourElements
Schuttgard Castle-----------------------BlacKKnight
Lets see what will bring to us this TW and CS...