Craft-PvP (x50)
Gracia Final

Top RB Hunters of January

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Seals ( dawn \ dusk )

Seal of Avarice

- The teleport NPC at the entrance of the Necropolis moves only the winner inside the dungeon, and they can receive various kinds of buffs if they pay with Ancient Adena. If they don't own the Seal, they cannot enter.
- Able to enter all 8 Necropolis freely.
- In the Necropolis, monsters are generated for the winner to hunt.
- They can meet Anakim or Lilith in the Disciples Necropolis.
- The Trader of Mammon appears inside of the dungeon. They can purchase a variety of items that cannot be purchased in the general stores by paying with Ancient Adena. The Trader of Mammon is not staying in one place, but often moves around each dungeon.

Seal of Gnosis - Mammon appear only when this seal win!

- The teleport NPC at the entrance of the Catacombs moves only the winner to the inside of the dungeon. If they don't own the Seal, they cannot enter.
- Able to enter all 6 Catacombs.
- The winner can be teleported to the hunting field by paying the priests of the village with Ancient Adena at a cheaper price.
- A hostile NPC moves around each village (except the starting villages), and randomly casts various kinds of harmful magic onto members of the losing side.
- A friendly NPC moves around each village (except the starting villages), and randomly casts various kinds of support magic to the winner's side.
- The Blacksmith of Mammon appears inside the Catacombs. The Blacksmith of Mammon receives Ancient Adena for giving special abilities to A-grade weapons, removing the seal on armor, making it possible to upgrade weapons to higher-level weapons, and exchanging weapons free of charge with other kinds of weapons at the same level. The Blacksmith of Mammon also moves around each dungeon continuously.
- The Trader of Mammon appears inside of the dungeon. They can purchase a variety of items that cannot be purchased in the general stores by paying with Ancient Adena. The Trader of Mammon is not staying in one place, but often moves around each dungeon.

Seal of Strife

If owned by Dawn:

- At the time of siege warfare, it becomes possible to hire the elite and Dawn mercenaries, in addition to the existing mercenaries.
- The cost required for the upgrade of the castle gates and walls is slightly reduced.
- The defensive power of the castle gates and walls is slightly increased.
- The maximum tax rate that the lord of each castle can establish is increased to 25%.
- The Revolutionaries of Dusk cannot use any siege weapons (Siege Golem, Wild Hog Cannon, Swoop Cannon).

If owned by Dusk:

- At the time of siege warfare, it becomes impossible to hire the existing mercenaries and possible to hire only low-level mercenaries.
- The cost required for the upgrade of the castle gates and walls is greatly increased.
- The defensive power of the castle gates and walls is greatly reduced.
- The maximum tax rate that the lord of each castle can establish is decreased to 5%.
- If Dusk controls the Seal of Strife or if there is no owner, siege weapons can be used during the siege.