Craft-PvP (x50)
Gracia Final

Top RB Hunters of January

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to be here?
Go kill RB's!
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new season!

October Videos

Lineage 2 - Storm Screamer ( knockD0wn L2 Toxic) FuriousAngels Clan

Lineage 2 - KukuKoko vs Wio, L2 Toxic

Gul'dans shaman - Oventius ( Dominator )

Lineage 2 - Duelist Olympiad (October, 2016)

Lineage 2 - Eva's Templar (PVP & Olympiad, 2016)


L2Toxic (StoneKing) Olympiad Games


L2Toxic - zShape Daily PvP (SpS)

L2Toxic - WhosN3xt Oly (Part 1)

LineAge 2 -Storm Screamer Mass PvP-(October 2016/HD)

Lineage 2 - The Furious Kamael (October 2016, HD)

Lineage 2 - Ghost Hunter Olympiad (October 2016)

Lineage 2 - Trickster PVP (October, 2016)

Lineage 2 - Mystic Muse PVP & Olympiad (October, 2016)

Lineage 2 - Spellsinger PVP (Mystic Muse, October, 2016)