Top RB Hunters of December get reward!
DopeBoy - 30 COLs
Sielson - 30 COLs
Yahabura - 30 COLs
VanDeath - 30 COLs
IronHand - 30 COLs
WatcHmE - 30 COLs
W0lverine - 30 COLs
Immortalturk - 30 COLs
Daliah - 30 COLs
Bjork - 30 COLs
RamC3 - 30 COLs
knockD0wn - 30 COLs
Yaripse - 30 COLs
iDanut - 30 COLs
Zolker - 30 COLs
You can get the coins of luck on your account balance!