Craft-PvP (x50)
Gracia Final

Top RB Hunters of January

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Changes and fixes on x50 server.

1. Route of enchants was added for skill Soul Guard.
2. Infinity Spear (hero weapon) got back cancel skill. But Infinity Spear can used only by these classes: duelist, dreadnought, bounty hunter, warsmith, titan, grand khavatari.
3. Now when you will go inside Seed of Destruction, all your buffs will be canceled. You should use active buffers for farm there.
4. All types of Festival Adena were removed from list of items, which you need for get Dynasty weapon recipe on Hellbound. Now you can get dynasty weapon more easy.
5. Chance of creation masterwork item was raised up, when you craft Dynasty Weapon. Success rate was 1%, now is 4%.
6. Fix: Summons get all attribute attack power from summoners weapon! Work now on warlock (arcana lord), elemental summoner (elemental master) and phantom summoner (spectral master).
7. Fix: Lethal shots success rates raised up for Plains walker (Wind Rider) and Abbys Walker (Ghost Hunter).