Craft-PvP (x50)
Gracia Final

Top RB Hunters of January

Do you want
to be here?
Go kill RB's!
Be the first in
new season!


22/10/2014 Core
22/10/2014 stryperty video
22/10/2014 dazYzab video
22/10/2014 Tezza came back
13/10/2014 Server changes
13/10/2014 TW (photo report)
13/10/2014 Castle siege of Rune
13/10/2014 Road to Raid Bosses 20-29 lvl
06/10/2014 Doombringer (by Lucent)
30/09/2014 TW CS (report)
20/09/2014 Apiga (new coin)
15/09/2014 TW (photo)
15/09/2014 CS (results)
13/09/2014 Wards bonus (info)
13/09/2014 Time of Chaos
13/09/2014 S grade set masterwork bonus
09/09/2014 Top pvp class?
09/09/2014 Art video
04/09/2014 Always will be in our hearts
27/08/2014 EVENT - 5 Years ONLINE!